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Science Curriculum Intent 

At Heathfield Academy, we believe that the purpose of science education is to equip children with the foundational knowledge and skills they need to understand the world. In science, we serve this purpose by fostering curiosity and teaching the substantive knowledge of biology, chemistry, and physics. This is underpinned by disciplinary knowledge, where working scientifically is developed through rigorous practice and reasoning. From the Early Years Foundation Stage, pupils begin building their scientific understanding, exploring the world around them and acquiring vocabulary that is explicitly taught to ensure clarity and precision in communication.

Our curriculum is aligned to the National Curriculum for science and the EYFS statutory framework, providing aspirational content that progressively deepens pupils' knowledge. We prioritise core concepts, ensuring that all learning is rooted in a strong scientific foundation, which supports practical investigations and critical thinking. Cross-curricular links to mathematics, geography, design and technology, physical education, and PSHE enrich the learning experience and show how science is interwoven with everyday life.

By maintaining high expectations and fostering a love for learning, our curriculum ensures that pupils leave primary school with the scientific literacy necessary for future academic success and informed citizenship.


Subject Documents Date  
Science Overview 01st Oct 2024 Download